Monday, 16 October 2017

Teach Me Forex Trading

Forex trading med Alpari: pålitelighet og innovasjon i handel Hvorfor velge Alpari i dag Alpari er en av verdens største Forex meglere. Takket være erfaringen som selskapet har skaffet seg med mange års arbeid, kan Alpari tilby sine kunder et bredt spekter av kvalitetstjenester for moderne internetthandel på valutamarkedet. Over en million kunder har valgt Alpari som sin pålitelige leverandør av Forex-tjenester. Hva er Forex Forex-markedet (FOREIGN EXchange) dukket opp på slutten av 1970-tallet etter at mange land har bestemt seg for å løsne valutaverdien fra dollar eller gull. Dette førte til dannelsen av et internasjonalt marked hvor valuta kunne utveksles og handles fritt. I dag er Forex det største finansmarkedet i verden. Det spiller ingen rolle hvor du bor eller hvor du er akkurat nå så lenge du har tilgang til internett, en handelsterminal (et spesielt program for handel med Forex) og en konto med en Forex megler, alle instrumentene og mulighetene til Forex er åpen for deg. Hvem er handelsfolk Traders er folk som jobber på Forex markedet, prøver å finne ut hvilken retning prisen på en valuta vil gå og foreta en handel for kjøp eller salg av den valutaen. Som sådan, ved å kjøpe en valuta billigere og selge den for mer, tjener handelsmenn penger på Forex markedet. Traders tar sine beslutninger basert på analysen av alle faktorer som kan påvirke prisene, slik at de kan trene nøyaktig i hvilken retning prisene beveger seg. Fortjeneste kan gjøres forexhandel på fall i prisen på en valuta, akkurat som fortjeneste kan gjøres på en økning i prisen på en bestemt valuta. Videre kan handelsmenn gjøre handel på Forex markedet fra hvor som helst i verden, enten det er London eller Timbuktu. Hvor kan du lære å handle Forex For nybegynnere som nettopp har tatt sine første skritt på Forex markedet, anbefaler vi at du registrerer deg på en av Investment Academys kurs. Kursene vil lære deg ikke bare det grunnleggende i valutamarkedet, men også metoder for å analysere Forex Market og hvordan du kan unngå vanlige fallgruver. Med utdanning fra Investeringsakademiet får du verdifull teoretisk kunnskap som du vil kunne søke når du handler. Videre vil du finne ut om Money Management, lære å ta kontroll over dine følelser, oppdage hvordan tradingroboter kan være nyttige og mye mer. Du kan ta del i kursene fra komforten i ditt eget hjem: online. Ukentlige finansanalyser og nyheter, klare handlingsideer og gratis analytiske tjenester på Alpari39s nettside, vil hjelpe deg med å ta de riktige beslutningen når du handler Forex. Hvordan kan du få trading Forex Hvis du aldri har jobbet med Forex før, kan du teste ut alle mulighetene for å handle valuta på en demo konto med virtuelle midler. Med en demo konto vil du kunne utforske Forex markedet fra innsiden og utvikle din egen handelsstrategi. Du kan alltid dra nytte av ferdige løsninger ved å bli kjent med tilbakemelding fra andre forhandlere. Etter at du har åpnet en konto, enten det er en demo eller en live konto, må du laste ned et spesielt program for å jobbe på Forex markedet, en handels terminal. I terminalen kan du holde øye med markedskurser, gjøre handler ved å åpne og lukke posisjoner og holde deg oppdatert med økonomiske nyheter. Du kan velge mellom handelsterminaler for både PC og mobile enheter: Alt du trenger for å gjøre arbeidet ditt med Forex så praktisk som mulig. Du kan begynne å handle på Forex valutamarkedet med Alpari å ha noe beløp på kontoen din. Hvis du vil prøve handel med Forex på en live-konto, men for å holde risikoen så lav som mulig, kan du prøve å handle med en nano. mt4-konto der valuta handles i eurocent og amerikanske dollar. Forex Advanced Candlestick Reversal Patterns De fleste forex-forhandlere som bruker teknisk analyse som grunnlag for sine stillinger, spiser mye tid på å se lysestikkdiagrammer. Denne diagramtypen er nyttig på en rekke forskjellige fronter, og et av de beste eksemplene på dette kan bli funnet på måter lysestikkdiagrammer kan gjøre det lettere å finne reverseringer. Når vi snakker om reverseringer, er hovedidéen at en hvilken som helst rådende trend har begynt å nå sitt utslippspunkt og at prisene er klare til å begynne å bevege seg i motsatt retning. I øyeblikket kan det virke veldig vanskelig å vite at alle tidligere retningsmessige momentum faktisk har kjørt kurset. Men når vi bruker lysestikkformasjoner som et identifikasjonsverktøy, er det noen spesifikke signaler som sendes regelmessig. Her vil vi se på forskjellige formasjoner av Doji, så vel som de bullish og bearish innfødte mønstrene. Doji mønster Doji lysestake mønster er et sterkt reverseringssignal som viser at markedets momentum løper ut. Siden flertallet av kjøps - eller salgsaktiviteten allerede har funnet sted, kan noen indikasjoner på at antall majoritetsdeltakere faller, benyttes som en mulighet til å begynne å ta forex-posisjoner i den andre retningen. Doji-mønsteret kan være bullish eller bearish i naturen, alt avhengig av retningen til den forrige trenden. Figur Kilde: Forexmachines Lysestakeformasjonene vist ovenfor kan se annerledes ut i form, men de forteller i det hele tatt den samme historien. Det vanlige doji-mønsteret består av en veldig liten stearinlyskropp med øvre og nedre wick. Den lange legged doji har også en veldig liten stearinlys kropp som ligger omtrent i midten av formasjonen. I dette tilfellet er imidlertid øvre og nedre wicks lengre som til slutt antyder at det var mer volatilitet i løpet av dette tidsintervallet. Gravestonen Doji er en av de mest bearish versjoner av mønsteret. I dette tilfellet viser mønsteret en veldig liten stearinlyskropp i bunnen, med en lang veke til toppsiden. Dette mønsteret viser at markedene steg raskt til nivåer som var uholdbare. Selgerne overtok da og tidsintervallet avsluttet. Hvis denne formasjonen blir fulgt av et fullstendig bearish stearinlys, er bekreftelse på plass og korte stillinger kan tas. Dragonfly doji er en av de mest bullish modellene av mønsteret. I dette tilfellet viser mønsteret en veldig liten stearinlyskropp øverst, med en lang veke på bunnen. Dette mønsteret viser at markedene falt til nivåer som var uholdbare. Kjøpere da overtok og tidsintervallet avsluttet. Hvis denne formasjonen etterfølges av et fullstendig bullish bullish lys, er bekreftelse på plass og lange stillinger kan tas. Figur Kilde: Metatrader I diagrammet over kan vi se at prisaktiviteten var sterkt bullish i AUDUSD. Men ingen trend kan vare for alltid, og markedsmomentet begynner å sakte som prosessøkning over 0.9300-området. Her danner et bearish doji-mønster 8212 som antyder at den tidligere oksetrenden er klar til å reversere. Etter at Doji er sett, danner et sterkt bearish stearinlys, som bekrefter reverseringsmønsteret. Korte stillinger kunne ha blitt tatt på dette stadiet, og valutahandlere kunne da ha kapitalisert seg på all den nedadrettede bevegelsen som fulgte. Bullish og Bearish Engulfing Patterns Når det gjelder lysestakeformasjoner, er Doji-mønsteret relativt ekstremt og krever strenge definisjoner for hva som kan ses i kroppen for å være gyldig. Men det er en annen mønsterform som er mindre stiv, men like kraftig på måter den kan forutsi trendendringer. Deretter ser vi på det bullish og bearish engulfing mønsteret, som er en annen lysestake indikator som kan brukes til å etablere forex posisjoner. Det følgende viser strukturen til det bullish bullish mønsteret: I det hausseformede mønsteret settes en downtrend som kommer til en slutt. Downtrends domineres av bearish stearinlys, og et lite bearish stearinlys er det som trengs for å starte det bullish impulsmønsteret. Dette lille bearish stearinlyset blir deretter etterfulgt av et større hausseartet lys som overvelder, eller engulfer det som ble sett tidligere. I grafikken ovenfor kan vi se at den første stearinlyskroppen er omtrent halvparten av den haussefulle stearinlyskroppen som følger. Markeder i utgangspunktet skyver prisene lavere, og dette nedadgående gapet skaper et lavere wick som strekker seg under det første bearish lyset. Markedsmomentet reverserer deretter, og strekker seg til en ny høyere høy og en sterk positiv lukk som er høyere på dag 2. Følgende viser strukturen til det bearish bølgende mønsteret: I det bearish bølgende mønsteret settes en opptrend til en slutt. Uptrends domineres av bullish stearinlys, og et lite hausstarkt lys er det som trengs for å starte bearish innføyningsmønsteret. Dette lille hausse-stearinlyset blir deretter etterfulgt av et større bearish stearinlys som overvelder, eller engulfer det som ble sett tidligere. I grafikken ovenfor kan vi se at den første stearinlyskroppen er omtrent halvparten av den stearinlys-stearinlyskroppen som følger. Markeder i utgangspunktet skyver prisene høyere, og dette oppadgående gapet skaper en høyere wick som strekker seg under det opprinnelige bullish lyset. Markedsmomentet reverserer deretter, og strekker seg til en ny lavere lav og en sterk negativ lukk som er lavere på dag 2. Figur Kilde: Metatrader Hvilken type engulfing mønster er tilstede her Siden den innledende trenden er nedover, ser vi senere en bullish reversering. Typen av struktur her er det bullish engulfing mønsteret. Her kan vi se at prisene faller til omtrent 115 8212, og serien av små røde stearinlys er avsluttet med et sterkt grønt lys som tyder på at en reversering er nært forestående. Forex handelsfolk kunne ha tatt lange stillinger her. og kapitalisert på gevinsten som fulgte. Bærehandler Forexmarkedet er knyttet til noen få handelsstrategier som ikke kan bli funnet i andre aktivaklasser. Et eksempel kan ses i bærehandelen, som drar nytte av forskjeller i rentesatser som kan bli funnet ved sammenkobling av valutaer sammen. Alle valutaposisjoner innebærer samtidig kjøp og salg av to forskjellige valutaer. Når handelsmenn kjøper en valuta med høy rente i bytte mot en valuta med lavere rente, akkumuleres rentedifferansen daglig. Over tid kan disse stillingene bli ganske lønnsomme, da bæreverdien av disse handlene er i hovedsak garantert (så lenge rentedifferansen forblir intakt). Av disse grunnene er det mange forhandlere som velger å fokusere utelukkende på disse typer strategier. Her vil vi se på noen eksempler på hypotetiske bærehandler for å se hvordan fortjeneste kan fanges over tid. Valutaer og rentesatser Alle valutaer er knyttet til en bestemt rente. Disse prisene bestemmes av sentralbanken i hver nasjon. Dette er grunnen til at pengepolitiske møter i sentralbanker blir sett på høyt nivå av forexhandlere. Når du kjøper en valuta, får du renten så lenge du holder posisjonen. For eksempel, hvis Den europeiske sentralbanken har satt sin referansepris på 2,5, vil du få 2,5 på din posisjon for hvert år du holder den valutaen. Hvis du skulle selge valutaen (dvs. i en kort posisjon i EURUSD), vil din forexkonto bli belastet -2,5 for hvert år du holder posisjonen. I alle tilfeller vil disse kreditter og debete akkumuleres daglig når stillingen holdes gjennom overdragelsesperioden klokken 17.00. Handelseksempler Lar oss vurdere noen hypotetiske handelseksempler ved hjelp av bærehandelsgrunnlaget. Historisk sett har australske dollar (AUD) vært knyttet til høye renter mens den japanske yenen (JPY) har vært knyttet til lave renter. Av denne grunn er AUDJPY et av de mest populære alternativene for bærebransjen. Hypotetisk kan vi anta at Australias Bank har satt sin basisrente på 5 år. Likeledes antar at Bank of Japan har satt sin basisrente på 0,5. Rentedifferansen for disse to valutaene ville da være 4,5, så hvis du skulle kjøpe AUDJPY og holde posisjonen i ett år, ville du tjene en garantert 4,5 på din posisjon. Dette vil være uavhengig av eventuelle endringer som er sett i den underliggende valutakursen mellom disse to valutaene. Negativ bær Som et illustrasjonspunkt bør det også forstås at bæreverdien også kan fungere i motsatt retning. La oss anta at Federal Reserve har satt renten for amerikanske dollar på 3,5. Samtidig har Canadas Bank satt renten for den canadiske dollar på 2. Hva ville oppstå hvis du valgte å ta en kort posisjon i USDCAD En kort posisjon i USDCAD ville bety at du selger USD og kjøpe CAD. Siden du vil kjøpe valutaen med lavere rente, vil posisjonen din bli utsatt for negativ bære 8212, som i dette tilfellet betyr at din handelskonto vil bli debitert en verdi som er lik -1,5 av posisjonen din for hvert år, holdes posisjonen . Dette skyldes at rentedifferansen mellom USD og CAD er 1,5 (3,5 og 2). På grunn av dette er langsiktige stillinger som er knyttet til negativ bære utsatt for større risiko fordi tapene er garantert. Eventuell fortjeneste som kan oppstå ved potensielle endringer i den underliggende valutakursen, vil fortsatt være nødvendig for å regnskapsføre bærekostnadene som oppstår i løpet av stillingen. Langsiktig Posisjonering Forex handelsfolk som ansetter bære handelsstrategier pleier å være handelsmenn som har en langsiktig utsikt. Dette skyldes at det vanligvis tar mye tid for å generere tilstrekkelig fortjeneste for å rettferdiggjøre stillingen. Renten verdier som er sitert av din forex megler er gitt på årsbasis. Dette betyr ikke at du vil bli bedt om å holde posisjonene dine i et helt år for å fange fordelene ved bærehandelen. Alle stillinger er pro-rated, og din endelige fortjeneste og tap vil bli bestemt av den nøyaktige tiden du har holdt hver posisjon. Korrelerte markeder De fleste forexhandlere i avanserte stadier av sin karriere har en tendens til å legge størstedelen av sitt fokus på valutamarkedet. Det er god grunn til dette, da det gir større kjennskap til en bestemt aktivaklasse. Men ett problem med denne tilnærmingen er at det blir veldig enkelt å glemme at alle markeder er sammenkoblet og sterkt påvirker hverandre. Forex er absolutt ikke annerledes, og det er derfor fornuftig å forstå hvordan måder som aksjer og varer arbeider med (og mot) valutamarkeder. Her vil vi se på noen av faktorene som driver sammenhenger mellom forex og de andre store aktivaklassene. Individuelle aksjer har liten eller ingen innflytelse på forexmarkeder, men dette er ikke tilfelle når vi ser på referanseindeksene som helhet. Nære overvåkede instrumenter som SampP 500 eller FTSE 100 kan ha betydelig innflytelse på valutaer 8212, spesielt de valutaene som er mest knyttet til de geografiske områdene. Sterkt bullish dager i den tyske DAX og franske CAC 40 har en tendens til å støtte forexpar som EURUSD og EURJPY. Positiv aktivitet i Nikkei 225 har en tendens til å skape salgstrykk i forexparene denominert i den japanske yenen (som JPY er kontantervalutaen i disse parene). Prisendringer i GBPUSD vil ofte bli påvirket av FTSE 100. og mange forexhandlere vil vente på å se de rådende trender i hvert av disse referansene før de etablerer kortsiktige stillinger. I tilfelle av amerikanske dollar. ting har en tendens til å fungere i omvendt. Siden USD er generelt ansett som et tilfluktssted. Det vil ofte handle i motsatt retning i forhold til de sentrale referansene i USA 8212 SampP 500 og Dow Jones Industrials. Dette betyr at på negative lagerdager har handlende en tendens til å ta pengene sine ut av lagrene og lagre det i kontanter. Dette drar nytte av USD og viser at det er et negativt korrelasjonsforhold mellom valutaen og de mest nærliggende aksjemarkedene. Så dager som er sterkt bullish for SampP 500 og Dow Jones vil generelt skape et mer negativt utsikt for USD. Commodities Commodities markeder vil påvirke forex priser på ulike måter. Land som er kjent for metallproduksjon har en tendens til å ha nytte når prisen på disse eiendelene øker. For eksempel er det en stor mengde kobberproduksjon i Australia. På dager hvor kobberprisene stiger, har valutapar som AUDUSD en tendens til å være til nytte. På samme måte gir høye gullproduksjon i Canada en positiv sammenheng mellom prisen på gull og CAD. På dager hvor gullprisene stiger, har valutapar som CADJPY en tendens til å stige (og omvendt). Samtidig har USD en tendens til å fungere i motsatt retning. Dette skyldes at varer er priset i amerikanske dollar, slik at forhandlere generelt trenger å selge dollar for å kjøpe gull eller olje. Hvis du ser en handelsdag hvor oljen er rallying, kommer det til å være minst noe ulemper press plassert på USD, da den bredere ordrestrømmen som ses på markedet, vil kreve ekstra salg av dollaren. Konklusjon: Fortsatt kjent med trender i alternative markeder Av alle disse årsakene er det fornuftig å holde seg kjent med trender i andre aktivaklasser 8212 selv om det ser ut til at det ikke er noen direkte forbindelse mellom forexhandel og de siste prisbevegelsene i aksjer eller råvarer. For det meste bør du se etter negative og positive sammenhenger, og se hva som skjer i alternative markeder før du plasserer nye valutaposisjoner. Disse sammenhenger alene kan ikke være nok til å bruke som eneste grunnlag for nye stillinger. Men disse er faktorer som bør vurderes, da det er klare påvirkninger som kan måles. Å ha en solid forståelse av den bredere sammenkoblingen mellom disse markedene kan hjelpe deg å gjøre sannsynlighetene for å lykkes tilbake til din fordel i det lange løp. Diversifisere en Forex Portfolio De fleste med erfaring handel på finansmarkedene forstår at diversifikasjoner er generelt en god ting. Når vi tenker på diversifisering, er det vanligvis knyttet til aksjeinvesteringer som er spredt over en rekke ulike bransjer. Men det er også mulig å diversifisere forexporteføljen din. Dette kan gjøres ved å skille valutaer inn i ulike kategorier og sørge for at du ikke blir doblet opp på en enkelt eiendel. Her vil vi se på noen av faktorene som går inn i å diversifisere en forexportefølje. Unngå å fordoble. Først må det forstås at å ha flere posisjoner i en enkelt valuta kan være spesielt problematisk. For eksempel, antar en forex-aktør kjøper en mye i EURUSD og en mye i EURGBP. Det kan virke som om handelsmannen tar to helt forskjellige stillinger, men ingenting kan være lenger fra sannheten. I et scenario som dette vil forex-aktøren i hovedsak ta en dobbel posisjon i EUR 8212, selv om det gjøres mot to forskjellige valutaer. Her vil handelsmannen i det vesentlige plassere alle eggene i en kurv og være spesielt sårbar hvis det oppdages noen svakhet i euroen. I et slikt tilfelle ville det være mye klokere for en næringsdrivende å ta en halv stilling i begge disse valutaparene, da dette ville begrense den overdrevne eksponeringen i euro-valutaen. Å ta på overdreven eksponering i en enkelt valuta kan være veldig farlig, og bryte mange av de grunnleggende forexreglene som krever riktig handelsstyring. Det er ingenting galt med å skille mellom holdningene dine på mer enn ett valutapar. Men riktige handelshåndteringsregler dikterer at ingen valutaposisjon bør utsette kontosaldoen til tap på mer enn 2-3. Så hvis du ønsker å uttrykke markedsvisninger med mer enn ett valutapar, er det viktig å unngå å ta fullstendige posisjoner som kjøper eller selger en enkelt valuta. Dette er ikke mye annerledes enn å ta to posisjoner i ett par, da en ulempeaktivitet i den valutaen du kjøper, effektivt genererer to ganger tapene. Watch Valuta Korrelasjoner En annen faktor å vurdere er valutakorrelasjonen. Mange valutaer har en tendens til å falle i samme kategori, og hvis du ønsker å oppnå diversifisering i forexporteføljen din, må du opprette eksponering for mer enn én aktivtype. For eksempel faller amerikanske dollar (USD) og sveitsiske franc (CHF) begge inn i safe haven-kategorien som drar nytte av økonomisk usikkerhet og fallende aksjemarkeder. Den japanske yenen (JPY) er en annen valuta som drar nytte av disse scenariene, da valutahandlere ofte ser ut til å lukke bærehandelsstillinger. Andre eksempler inkluderer tradisjonelt høyverdige valutaer som den australske dollar (AUD) og New Zealand Dollar (NZD). Samtidig har euro og britiske pund (GBP) en tendens til å bevege seg i tilsvarende retninger, gitt at begge økonomiene er sammenhengende. Å oppnå diversifisering Med alt dette i bakhodet, bør forex investorer med langsiktige utsikter se på å spre porteføljen over mer enn én valuta, samtidig som man unngår å fordoble seg på en hvilken som helst posisjon. Forex investorer kan for eksempel se ut til å skape en viss eksponering for høye valutaer, samtidig som de opprettholder lange posisjoner i en safe-valuta for å beskytte mot uventede sjokk i markedet. På den måten kan moderne porteføljeorientering brukes på andre markeder enn aksjer, og den kan brukes til å jevne volatiliteten i kollektive posisjoner. Forex handelsfolk bør se på sine porteføljer som en samling av stillinger, snarere enn et kjøretøy for å kjøpe en enkelt valuta i flere par. Når du spiller til styrken i flere forextyper, blir det mye lettere å utnytte positive resultater som ses hver valutaklasse. I det minste må det huskes at sann diversifisering ikke kan oppnås ved å bruke mer enn en full stilling i en enkelt valuta. Det er imidlertid mulig å ta en flertallsstilling i en valuta mens du bruker reduserte posisjonsstørrelser. I det første eksemplet som presenteres her, ville en næringsdrivende være mye sikrere og beskyttet mot risiko hvis EUR-stillingene ble redusert. Dette kan bety reduserte posisjoner på tvers av par som EURUSD, EURGBP og EURAUD. Forex Algoritmisk og Kvantitativ Trading Vi har sett mange nye trender i finansiell handel over det siste tiåret. En av dem er det faktum at Forex trading ble populær da internett ble mer utbredt. Men sammen med dette har det vært en økt trend i datastyrt handel som muliggjør implementering av automatiserte strategier. For det meste er disse handlingene basert på forhåndsbestemte tekniske analysestrategier som har blitt testet og vist seg vellykkede over tid. Når det er sagt, automatisert handel innebærer noe nivå av risiko, og det er mange svart bokspakker som lover betydelig avkastning over en kort periode. Eventuelle ekstreme løfter som dette skal møtes med minst et visst nivå av skepsis. Men faktum er at algoritmisk og kvantitativ handel er en gyldig del av forexmarkedet 8212, og dette vil ikke forandre seg snart. Her ser vi på noen av faktorene som bør vurderes før du plasserer algoritmiske handler som er basert på kvantstrategier. Algoritmiske kvantitative strategier Definert Først må handelsmenn forstå hva som menes med algoritmisk og kvantitativ handel. Nærmere bestemt refererer disse vilkårene til tilfeller der forexhandlere starter posisjoner som er definert av forutbestemte matematiske formler. For eksempel kan handler utløses når prisene stiger over eller under et visst glidende gjennomsnitt. Faktorer som prismoment, standardavvik, historiske gjennomsnitt og trendstyrke pleier å bli brukt som grunnlag for de fleste av disse strategiene. Når et bestemt sett av kriterier er oppfylt, blir handelen plassert 8212, og dette kan til og med inkludere flere elementer som plassering av stopptapordrer og fortjeneste tap. Ekspertrådgivere Å utløse disse handler automatisk, vil forexhandlere generelt bruke en ekspertrådgiver. eller EA. Dette kan gjøres ved hjelp av en forex trading plattform som gir mulighet for automatisert handel. Noen av de vanligste valgene her inkluderer TradeStation og Metatrader. som begge er svært tilpassbare plattformer som tillater algoritmisk og kvantitativ handel. Så hvis du er interessert i å faktisk bruke denne typen strategi, vil du være sikker på at du bruker en forex megler som tilbyr plattformer som disse eller noe lignende. Når du ser etter EAene selv, er alternativene mye bredere. For å få et visst perspektiv, kan din forex trading plattform tenkes på som din databehandlingsenhet og EAer som du bruker kan betraktes som en app. Disse appene vil utløse handler automatisk 8212 så lenge dine forutbestemte markedskriterier er oppfylt og handelsstasjonen din er åpen og fungerer. EAer kan bli funnet gjennom et enkelt nettsøk, men noen kilder for disse er sikkert mer anerkjente enn andre. Det er ofte bedre å bruke EAer som kan bli funnet gjennom forex trading communities, da disse kan bli objektivt testet og gjennomgått. Uten denne ekstra sikkerhet er det noen ganger vanskelig å vite hvorvidt EA har blitt nøyaktig testet igjen og er virkelig i stand til å produsere sine påståtte resultater. To populære kilder for EAs kan bli funnet på Forex Peace Army og Forex Factory. Mange av EAene som er oppført på disse nettstedene er gratis. Fordeler og ulemper Som vi sa før, er automatisert forex trading knyttet til sitt eget sett med fordeler og ulemper. På den positive siden tillater algoritmiske og kvantitative strategier at valutahandlere effektivt overvåker alle aspekter av valutamarkedet 8212, selv når de ikke aktivt overvåker handelsstasjonen. Tenk på det på denne måten, du kan ha en svært vellykket strategi, men det ville være umulig å se hvert forex-par for tilfeller der dine forutbestemte kriterier er oppfylt. Datamaskinbaserte strategier har denne muligheten, og dette kan tillate deg å kapitalisere på forex-bransjer som du kanskje har savnet ellers. På den negative siden vil du nesten sikkert se forekomster der EA har åpnet en handel som du kanskje hadde unngått deg selv. Dessverre er datalgoritmer digitale modeller som er ment å forstå en analog verden 8212, og det vil være tilfeller hvor EA-modellen din åpner posisjoner mer aggressivt enn du kanskje har på egen hånd. Av disse grunner er det generelt en god ide å holde forexposisjonene dine mindre enn du kanskje når du handler manuelt. I det hele tatt er det best å se på suksessratene over tid, og deretter bli med en gitt EA hvis den gir positive resultater som er konsistente. Algoritmisk og kvantitativ handel er ikke noe som bør gjøres på en tilfeldig måte, da det kan åpne opp din handelskonto for potensielle tap. Men hvis disse strategiene er riktig undersøkt (og nøyaktig tilbake testet), kan automatiserte strategier være et kraftig verktøy for å legge til forex trading arsenal. Forex Momentum Oscillators For å tjene penger i forexmarkedet, må du ha en måte å prognostisere hvor prisene sannsynligvis vil gå i fremtiden. En av de beste måtene å gjøre dette på er å foreta en vurdering av hvor flertallet er markedets momentum er plassert. Det er mange måter å gjøre dette på, men tekniske analytikere har en tendens til å ha en kant i disse områdene ved hjelp av noen dokumenterte kartverktøy. To av de mest populære valgene finnes i Momentum Oscillator og Relative Strength Index (også kjent som RSI). Her vil vi se på noen av måtene forexhandlere bruker disse verktøyene og gir deretter noen visuelle eksempler i aktive valutakart. Momentum Oscillator Når man ser på å vurdere den dominerende momentet som ses i forexmarkedet, er et bra sted å se Momentum Oscillator. Dette kartverktøyet gjør det mulig for valutahandlere å måle endringshastigheten som ses i sluttkursene for hvert tidsintervall. Sakte momentum kan være en utmerket indikasjon på at en markedstendens er klar til å reversere. Når reverseringspoengene er nøyaktig fastslått, kan forexhandlere kjøpe lavt og selge høyt før resten av markedet har gjort overgangen. Kort sagt, handelsmenn burde være med den dominerende trenden når Momentum Oscillator indikerer styrke. Traders bør satse på trenden når Momentum Oscillator sakter og foreslår at markedet nå et utmattelsespunkt. La oss se på et realtidskarteksempel ved hjelp av GBPJPY: Figur Kilde: Metatrader Her er Momentum Oscillatoren plottet under prisaktiviteten og vist i blått. En stigende linje tyder på at markedsmomentet bygger. Når momentumlinjen faller til bunnen av målingen, går momentum ut av markedet. I dette eksemplet kan vi se at prisene faller til sine nedturer nær 119.20. Prisene begynner da å stige, og dette følger med et sterkt trendsignal sendt av Momentum Oscillator (vist på den første pilen). Dette ville være i indikasjon for Forex Trader til side med retningen til den siste prisbevegelsen 8212 som i dette tilfellet er bullish. GBPJPY opplever deretter et massivt rally over 160-merket. I dette tilfellet kunne en forex-aktør ha sett de tidlige signalene sendt av Momentum Oscillator og startet en lang posisjon i GBPJPY. Hvis dette var gjort, kunne betydelige fortjeneste ha blitt realisert med liten eller ingen drawdown. Relative Strength Index (RSI) Et annet alternativ for å måle momentum i forexmarkeder er å bruke Relative Strength Index. eller RSI. Dette diagramverktøyet sammenligner de siste gevinster og tap for å avgjøre om tyr eller bjørner virkelig har kontroll over markedet. Deretter skal vi se på et kartlagt RSI eksempel ved hjelp av USDJPY: Figur Kilde: Metatrader RSI varierer fra 0 til 100. Indikatoravlesninger over 70 merket anses å være overkjøpt. mens avlesninger under 30 merket regnes for å være solgt. Kjøpesignaler genereres når indikatoren faller under 30-merket og deretter flyttes over denne grensen. Selgesignaler genereres når indikatoren stiger over 70-merket og deretter flyttes tilbake under denne grensen. I USDJPY-eksemplet ovenfor kan vi se at kravene til bearish holdning er oppfylt som indikatoren rammer overkjøpt territorium før RSI-lesingen begynner å svinge lavere. Da dette skjer, handler USDJPY på 85,80. Til slutt faller paret til 80,90 før de vender oppover, noe som betyr at enhver som handler på momentumssignalet generert av RSI-selgesignalet, kunne ha tatt nesten 500 pips i fortjeneste med svært lite drawdown. På denne måten kan RSI være et svært effektivt verktøy, og vurderer om markedsmomentet sannsynligvis vil være bullish eller bearish i de timer, dager og uker fremover. Forexhandlere som ønsker å etablere posisjoner basert på det underliggende momentet som er tilstede i markedet, kan ha stor fordel etter å ha konsultert RSI, da det er en rask og enkel måte å vurdere om markedspriser har blitt overkjøpt eller solgt. Forex News Trading Forex handelsfolk som ønsker å basere sine posisjoner fra et grunnleggende analyseperspektiv vil nesten alltid bruke nye utgivelser for å danne et markedsposisjon. Disse pressemeldingene kan ta en rekke forskjellige former, men den vanligste (og relevante) for valutahandlere er den økonomiske pressemeldingen. Disse rapportene er planlagt i god tid og er generelt knyttet til markedsforventninger som er avledet av analysørundersøkelser. Økonomiske datakalendere finner du enkelt i et websøk, et godt eksempel kan du finne her. I noen tilfeller er disse forventningene nøyaktige. I andre tilfeller er de ikke det. Så det er viktig for valutahandlere å overvåke utviklingen på disse områdene, da det er mange handelsmuligheter som kan bli funnet når viktige pressemeldinger blir offentliggjort. En av de beste måtene å nærme seg denne strategien er å se etter betydelige forskjeller mellom de opprinnelige forventningene og de endelige resultatene. Når markedet reagerer på den nye informasjonen, blir volatilitetspistene sett, og de store prisendringene kan være ganske lønnsomme hvis de blir fanget i de tidlige stadiene. Vurdere data Viktighet Selvfølgelig er ikke alle økonomiske utgivelser knyttet til det samme nivået av betydning. Rapporter som kvartalsvis BNP, inflasjon, arbeidsledighet og produksjon har en tendens til å komme opp mot toppen av listen. Men det vil være tilfeller der andre, mindre økonomiske rapporter er mer relevante for et bestemt scenario. Av denne grunn er det viktig å unngå å falle i en stiv rutine når man vurderer hvilke datarapporter som sannsynligvis vil være viktige og hvilke som ikke er. En av de beste måtene å vurdere om en bestemt rapport vil betydelige bevegelser i markedet, er å bare se hvilke kommende rapporter som får mest oppmerksomhet i finansmediene. Disse rapportene har en tendens til å generere overskrifter når resultatene endelig blir offentliggjort, og økonomiske nyheter overskrifter vil ofte diktere hvilken trend som er dominerende på enhver handelsdag. Eksempel på sanntidseksempel Lar oss se på et realtidsskjemaeksempel i USDJPY. I dette tilfellet ventet markedene ivrig etter kvartalsvise BNP-tall fra USA. Forexanalytikere ventet en nedgang på -0,5 for perioden. og denne negative forventningen sendte USD lavere over hele linjen. Disse trender tvunget USDJPY til å ligge nær 92,70 like før datafrigivelsen. Figur Kilde: Metatrader Men onces rapporten ble faktisk offentliggjort, ble det raskt klart at konsensusestimatet var feil 8212 og USAs kvartalsvise BNP steg med en hastighet på 1. I diagrammet ovenfor kan vi se at markedsreaksjonen var ganske uttalt og åpenbart bullish for USD. Prisene til slutt gikk over 99,50, drevet i stor grad av de endrede markedsforventningene for det generelle utsiktet i USD. Enhver næringsdrivende som aktivt så på nyhetsdrikkene i løpet av denne utgivelsen, kunne ha hoppet inn på dette rallyet i de tidlige stadiene og fanget massive fortjeneste med liten eller ingen drawdown. Scenarier som dette skjer hele tiden. Virkeligheten er at det er ganske vanskelig for forexanalytikere å nøyaktig forutsi resultatene av økonomidata i alle tilfeller. Makroøkonomiske data påvirkes av et utall av faktorer (både nasjonalt og globalt), så det er i hovedsak umulig for prognosemenn å bygge matematiske modeller som kan foreta nøyaktige prognoser hver gang. Men det er viktig å huske at disse forskjellene mellom forventning og virkelighet er tilfeller som skaper størst mulighet i valutamarkeder. I stor grad skaper store overraskelser store prisbevegelser. Og disse prisbevegelsene kan oversettes til store profitt hvis de blir fanget i de tidlige stadier. Minimizing Risk A final point to note is that news driven market events tend to create extreme volatility in forex prices. This increase potential reward also carries with it the increased potential for risk, so it is absolutely essential for forex traders to make sure that any established position is placed using a protective stop loss. In most cases, news data tends to force prices on one direction with very little to be seen in corrective retracements. But this will only work for positions that are taken in the direction of the data (ie. bullish positions for positive data, bearish positions for negative data). It can be difficult to place news positions quickly in some cases, so all orders must be placed to a good deal of care and attention. News trading can be quite profitable when done correctly 8212 but a certain level of caution is warranted, as well. Forex Technical Indicators Technical analysis is a popular method used in the forex markets, as it allows traders to view price activity in objective ways. This is helpful because it allows traders to spot not positioning opportunities before big price moves start to take shape. It can be argued that technical analysis is even more popular in forex than it is in areas like stocks or commodities. So, for those looking to tackle the currency markets and achieve long-term profitability, it makes sense to have a solid understanding of the terms and strategies that are commonly used. Since chart analysis has such an important impact on forex trading, it is not surprising that we see some technical indicators used that are less commonly known in other markets. Indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) have their place in forex trading just as they do in stocks, commodities, and futures. But alternative indicators like Stochastics and Bollinger Bands are two examples of charting tools that might be less commonly known in the other financial markets. Here, we will look at ways trades can be placed when using these technical indicators. Bollinger Bands Bollinger Bands were developed by a famous chart technician named John Bollinger. They are designed to literally envelope price action and give traders an idea of how far valuations might move if market volatility starts to increase. Lets take a look at a real-time example using the AUDUSD: Chart Source: Metatrader In the example above, we can see that Bollinger Bands are composed of three different lines that move in tandem with price activity. The upper band can be thought of as a resistance line . the lower band can be thought of as a support line . These two lines are then plotted along with a 21-period moving average . which is generally near the middle of the underlying price action. The upper and lower bands are placed two standard deviations away from price activity. These bands will tighten as market volatility declines, and then widen as market volatility increases. In terms of buying and selling signals, there are a few different points to note. First is that Bollinger Bands can be great in predicting future volatility. Again, we look at price activity in the AUDUSD : Chart Source: Metatrader In the chart above we can see that the Bollinger Bands constrict. This indicates a period of indecision in the market as fewer traders are activity buying and selling. But conditions like this can only last for so long. It might be that the majority of the market is waiting for an important economic release, and once that data is made public volatility should start to increase in a relatively predictable direction. Essentially, tight Bollinger Band readings suggest that the market is getting ready to make a big move (although the direction of that move is not yet apparent). Wide Bollinger Bands suggest the reverse, as excessive volatility will probably start to settle. Next, we look at ways the Bollinger Band indicator sends buy and sell signals to the market. Again, we look at the AUDUSD: Chart Source: Metatrader In this chart example, we can see the various says that Bollinger Bands send buy and sell signals to the market. Since the upper and lower bands should be thought of as dynamic support and resistance levels . the currency should be bought when prices fall to the lower band and sold when prices rise to the upper band . This is true because any time prices have reached the outer band, it shows that prices have now moved two standard deviations away from their historical average. Prices can only exist in these areas 5 of the time, so when prices are seen in these areas a reversal should be expected. For this reason, the currency pair should be sold when it rises to the upper band, and bought when it falls to the lower band. Stochastics Another technical indicator that is largely unique to common use in the forex market is the Stochastics indicator. This technical tool is useful in determining when prices have become cheap relative to the historical averages (oversold) or too expensive relative to the historical averages (oversold). Where Bollinger BAnds are plotted with price activity, the Stochastics indicator is plotted separate from the price action (below). Lets take a look at a chart example using the GBPUSD: Chart Source: Metatrader As you can see, the Stochastics indicator is plotted on a graph from 0 to 100. Readings above the 80 mark qualify as overbought, while readings below the 20 mark suggest the currency pair is oversold . Overbought readings suggest that traders should consider selling the currency pair, oversold readings indicate traders should consider buying the currency pair. Next, lets look at some sell signals that were sent in this chart: Chart Source: Metatrader In this chart, we can see a clear downtrend. But if we look at the activity in the Stochastics readings, sell signals were sent early on. When we look at the oversold readings that start near the halfway point, we can see slowing momentum in the levels that were hit by the indicator. This weakening momentum (ie. the indicator is no longer able to reach the same highs) should have signals that forex traders could start to sell the currency pair, prior to the massive downtrend that followed. Trade Management and Trailing Stop Losses One of the biggest mistakes made by new traders comes from the belief that once you initiate a trade, the process and your work as a trader is over. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. And if you fail to actively manage your trades once they are placed, you will almost certainly encounter unnecessary losses. The forex market is always moving and evolving, and in many cases the environment can change significantly after your trade is placed. For these reasons, there will be instances where traders will need to adjust their stop loss levels and profit targets. Here, we look at some methods to manage your trades from a protective standpoint in adjusting your stop losses after the initial trade is executed. Active Stop Management On the positive side, if you are ready to adjust your stop loss it probably means that your position is gaining (in the money). If the market was moving against you, your stop loss likely would have been hit on its own. Many traders will look at trade management from a pip standpoint. For example, a trader might start to adjust the stop once the trade is positive by 50 pips. One strategy in a situation like this is to take profits on half the position . and then moving the stop loss to the break even point (the price level at which the trade was opened). This method effectively allows traders to capture some profits while removing any potential for further risk. If the stop loss is hit later, no losses will be seen. There are other methods that follow the same general logic but do not rely on pip values. For example, a trader might instead look at percentages as a way of determining when a stop loss should be moved. If the trade has made gains of 1-2 it would generally be a good idea to start taking risk off of the table and moving your stop losses to the break even point. In any case, there is nothing wrong with taking profits on at least some portion of your trade. As the old forex markets maxim goes, nobody ever went broke taking trading gains. Parabolic Stop and Reverse (SAR) An alternative approach require more aptitude in technical analysis. Here, we will introduce a less commonly used chart indicator called the Parabolic Stop and Reverse, or Parabolic SAR. The Parabolic SAR indicator is much easier to understand through visuals, so lets take look at the indicator at work using the EURUSD: Chart Source: Metatrader Visually, the Parabolic SAR looks like no other indicator and it might even be a bit difficult to see on the chart. But here we can see purple dots that follow price action and send buying and selling signals in the process. Specifically, buy signals are sent when prices are above the plotted indicator reading. Sell signals are sent when prices are below the indicator reading. But these signals can also be used in positions that have already been established. For example, forex traders that are in active long positions might want to consider exiting those positions when sell signals are sent. Conversely, those in active short positions might want to consider reversing that stance if the indicator issues a buy signal. This is why the indicator is named the stop and reverse. Lets look at this chart again with the buy and sell signals identified: Chart Source: Metatrader Here, we can see how it looks when the Parabolic SAR sends its buy and sell signals. Lets pay special attention to the first two signals. The first downward arrow signals an opportunity to sell the EURUSD currency pair. Assume that this short position was taken and held until a buy signal was sent at the second upward arrow. Here, a forex trader could have capitalized on a price move of roughly 600 pips before there was any indication that the position should be closed. If we look at the differences between the second and third signals (a buy signal and a sell signal, respectively), an even larger move is seen. With this in mind, it should be understood that the Parabolic SAR is a very powerful tool in terms of the ways it can allow traders to actively manage their positions once established. Forex Breakouts A large percentage of forex traders focus on technical analysis and use it as a basis for establishing new positions. To some extent, this makes a good deal of sense because analyzing the currency markets is a much broader task than analyzing the earnings outlook for a single company. Many more factors influence the economic prospects for an entire nation, so one solution for dealing with this is to pay more attention to price charts and using that information to establish forex trades. There are many sub-strategies that forex traders use when attacking these markets, but one of the most common is the breakout strategy . In this case, forex traders look for chart signals which suggest that currency prices are on the verge of a big move (in either the upward or downward direction). Here, we will look at some of the elements that go into spotting breakouts as well as some of the trade management rules that are typically associated with this type of trading. The End of a Sideways Market In order for a breakout to occur, we must first have a sideways, or consolidating, trading environment. Those familiar with some of the basics of technical analysis will understand the trading range 8212 which is where prices bounce back and forth between support and resistance levels with no dominant trend in place. Below is an example of a sideways market with range trading characteristics present: Chart Source: Metatrader The above chart shows sideways trading activity in the EURGBP . which is a currency pair that is often caught in trading ranges. Prices bounce back and forth from the support zone to the resistance zone and no dominant trend is present. Trading ranges cannot last forever, however, and once this trading range breaks down, there are increased for breakouts as the market adjusts to the new directional momentum. Breakouts Signal New Trend Beginning When one of these support or resistance levels is breached, forex traders start to position for the beginning of a new trend. The logic here is that market energy was building as price activity was constricting. Once these consolidative ranges break, the momentum that follows is often very forceful. When forex traders are able to spot these events in the early stages, significant profits can be captured when new positions are established in the direction of the breakout. Lets take a look at a downside breakout in the EURGBP: Chart Source: Metatrader In the chart above, we can see an example of a bearish breakout where prices are trading mostly sideways against a clearly defined level of support. In forex, breakout traders would be looking for an opportunity for new trades as the level of support finally breaks. This event occurs at the downside arrow, which comes in near the 0.9150 mark. Short trades could have been taken here, and roughly 350 pips could have been captured as the GBP strengthened and prices soon fell below 0.8800. Next, lets assess a bullish example using the USDJPY : Chart Source: Metatrader In the chart above, we can see an example of a bullish breakout where prices are trading sideways against a clearly defined level of resistance. Here, breakout traders would be looking for an opportunity for long trades as the level of resistance finally breaks. This event occurs at the upside arrow, which comes in near the 81.80 mark. Long trades could have been taken here, and roughly 200 pips could have been captured as the USD strengthened and prices later rose to the 83.80 region. An added factor that can be seen in this example is the fact that prices pushed through the critical resistance zone, made a small rally 8212 and then dropped back slightly to retest the area of the breakout. Basic technical analysis rules tell us that once a level of resistance is broken, it then becomes a level of strong support. (Just as a broken level of support will then become a level of strong resistance). In this USDJPY example, we can see that after the initial bullish breakout prices dropped to test the 81.80 breakout zone. This is shown at the red candle near the sideways arrow. The long bottom wick on this candle shows that prices bounced forcefully out of this area 8212 strong indication that the breakout is valid and that 81.80 will now be viewed as support for the uptrend that follows. Commodities Intermediate Forex AdvancedForex Trading South Africa by safx Jan 17, 2016 Articles 4 Comments A list of the best forex trading companies in South Africa. Before we list them we have to list the different categories: Best Forex Trading Course in South Africa Best forex trainer in South Africa Best forex trader in South Africa Best forex broker in South Africa Best forex platform in South Africa Best forex Software in South Africa Best forex robot The best forex trading trading course in South Africa As I offer a forex course I would be very biased in this category and therefore I will simply list the forex courses that I am aware of that you can do in South Africa SAFX 8211 This is our course and includes everything you need. Market Trader 8211 Market Trader provides a course in Forex and Shares Global Forex Institute 8211 I have not done this course, you can attend a free seminar to find out more. Learn to Trade 8211 Greg Seckers Courses (formerly Knowledge to Action) Forex Coach 8211 Riaan is a great guy and gives a good course. Forex Training 8211 I have not done this course but they have been around for a while (Midrand) These are the forex courses I can think of off the top of my head. Google to find mor but beware of the posers, ask them for performance history and check reviews on the net before going ahead. The best forex trainer in South Africa You may find this category very close to the previous one but they are in actual fact two very different things. As online trading is very much like a sport where you need training it is very important to do a course with a good trainer. As I am a trainer myself I have not done training from any of the above mentioned companies. Then why did I mention this category It is simple. Ask your trainer to give you a call. You will immediately know whether or not there is synergy between you and your trainer. Ask them some questions regarding the content and trading process. You can do this with all the trainers and pick the one you like best. Best forex trader in South Africa Again I will be biased as I have not seen anyone else with the same consistent results as me. I will admit that there are probably much better traders than me around but I have yet to meet them. If you do get trading history from a trader training company ask if they would mind to have the results verified by an auditor. If they say no, with whatever excuse, you know that their results are fake. Best forex broker in South Africa When it comes to forex brokers it is difficult to say as they all have different offerings. If you want to play it safe when choosing your broker than choose from one of the two biggest brokers in the world which are both present in South Africa. Saxo Markets and IG Markets are both huge international brokerages. Find out more about these to see which suites you best. Best forex trading platform in South Africa This depends on your requirements. My favourite is MetaTrader 4 as I have become very accustomed to it. There are however a host of platforms. Look at different brokers to see what trading platforms they offer. For those who do not know a trading platform is the software you use to execute buy and sell orders from your PC or Mobile device. The best forex trading software in South Africa When I say trading software I mean software that helps you decide what to buy and sell and when to buy and sell. There are many providers that claim to have their own software but often tho is just a feed from somewhere else. At SAFX we provide you with the best proprietary software in SA. Easy-to-use and unbelievably accurate. There you have the information, we hope this helped if you want more information on any of the topics discussed feel free to contact us at any time. Metatrader 4, also known as MT4, is a trading platform mostly used to trade CFDs. CFDs include forex, shares, metals indices and many more trading instruments. A trading platform is an application that you use to execute your trading transactions ie it is where you buy and sell. The Metatrader 4 platform is the most popular trading platform in the world and is found in most countries. It is superior to most other platforms because of usability, scalability and the ability to integrate easily with other software. Here is a list of reasons why Metatrader 4 is the most popular platform. Ease of use Charting Capability Indicators Custom Code Low memory consumption Mobile Friendly Automated Statements investor Access Multiple Instances Ease of use Metatrader 4 The Metatrader 4 does not need a lot of training for you to understand. Although there is a comprehensive set of tools it is very easy to trade by using just a few buttons. The interface seems overwhelming when you start out but it becomes very familiar very quickly. The whole platform is setup in a very logical way and its ease of use becomes apparent when you have practiced for a few days. Charting capability of Metatrader 4 There are not many, if any, platform that exceed the charting capabilities of the Metatrader 4 platform. The platform comes with a host of preloaded tools which forms the basis of the trading experience. The trading tools found on metatrader 4 include chart drawing tools, different fibonacci applications, indicators both traditional and custom. The charts can be personalised by choosing the different colours of every element on the graph. You have 3 types of graphs by default, line graph, and candle stick graph. You can get custom graphs such as renko form 3rd party providers. There are set timeframes from 1 minute to 1 Month but this can also be modified by use of 3rd Party Products. It really is too much to mention in one article. Request a list of brokers from email160protected to open a demo account and see for yourself. An indicator is a visual representation of a mathematical formula. An Indicator is displayed either on the trading chart itself or at the bottom of the chart. You get thousands of different types of indicators, some more effective than others. There are 2 groups of indicators. Traditional indicators and custom indicators. Traditional indicators come preloaded on the MT4 platform. These include indicators such as MACD, Stochastic, RSI, Moving Averages and many more. Custom indicators are indicators that have been created by coders using unique or custom formulae. These indicators come in very handy when you are analysing charts and market cycles. Good indicators are often used independently to make trade decisions and many traders are totally reliant on the indicators for their success. At SAFX we code our own highly effective indicators. The Metatrader 4 comes with a very user friendly coding platform which allows people with coding knowledge to build different kinds of software. This makes the MT4 platform easy to integrate with other software. There are thousands of coders that specialise in coding in the MT4 coding language called MQL (Meta Quotes Language). You can code simple indicators to highly complex trading robots that take decisions for you and trade on your behalf. If you can think it you can code it in MQL and that is one of the main reasons why metatrader4 is so popular. Low PC Memory Usage The Metatrader 4 as with its default settings and state does not take a lot of PC memory. It download and installs quickly and also opens and runs quickly once installed. As mentioned in the previous section there are complex robots that can be built on this platform and if you run these complex codes it does affect the speed of the metatrader 4 platform. Mostly however it runs easily and smoothly. Metatrder 4 is mobile friendly. There are MT4 apps for most mobile devices that allow you to use the core functionalities of the MT4 platform on your mobile device. This makes it easy to trade while travelling and and also to check your trades on the move. You can use standard indicators and other trading tools but unfortunately this does not allow custom indicators for now. The MT4 platform sends you daily statement if there is activity on your account and monthly statements. You can easily view your trade history and go through your trade performance trade by trade. The statements can also be used as trade logs to see where you are making mistakes and to assess whether there are pattern that are either beneficial or hinder your trading. Investor accounts on the Meta Trader 4 platform allows an investor to login to the trading platform in a sort of view-only mode. The investor can look at all trades and orders and progress on their account but they cannot open or close trades or orders. It makes it great for transparency without risk. You can have many different instances open on the same device and across different trading devices. This allows you to trade different strategies and accounts from the same device. You can have a currency account, an indices account and shares account and trade them all at the same time. The Metatrader 4 is a great platform. Download a demo version today and go through the functions for yourself. Free courses often dont have the same quality as paid for courses as is the case with most products. In forex trading you will often find that free courses are watered down versions of professional courses. There is one stand out free forex course on a website called Babypips. Babypips has an excellent free forex trading course which you can access through this link. babypipsschool. The content is better and easier to understand than most commercial currency trading courses and covers everything you need to know. The course is well setup in terms of structure where a general education structure is used from kindergarden to university. Complete the modules in order for the best results. The one thing thing that Babypips does not offer is 1-on-1 training which I believe is vital to trading success. What I would suggest you do is complete the free babybips course and see if you think online trading is for you. If you want to go further have a look at the SAFX products and services on safx. co. za. It is really important to get professional 1-on-1 lessons before you start trading live as forex trading is much like playing a sport. You can read up on rules and strategies but need a coach to show you how to execute what you have learned in a practical way. You can have a look at our complete course options. Trading takes a bit of time to learn but the most important part is practice which takes a lot of self-discipline. There are a few steps you need to start with trading forex. Find a good forex broker that is local. Open a demo trading account. Familiarise yourself with the brokers trading platform. Get education to understand the forex trading concept. Get a professional trading coach with professional trading software. Practice until profitable If you follow these steps and combine it with a proper forex trainer you will be trading profitably in no time. The trick as mentioned earlier is to get education with proper 1-on-1 coaching. Without 1-on-1 coaching you will not be successful I can guarantee it. As with all products you get some that are good, some that are bad, some that are average and very few that are great. With forex trading this could have a huge financial bearing. If you want to do a forex trading course in Johannesburg do not settle for mediocre, do the course that will pay for itself over time. Forex trading is not difficult to learn just like soccer is not difficult to learn, the steps and rules are easy but you need a good coach to make you successful. What should you look at when considering a forex trading course Is the person who compiled the course a successful trader Does the company providing the course have a certified track record of performance Do you really get 1-on-1 training or do you just get emailed links to videos Does the company code their own proprietary software Will you get webinars and live trading sessions Does the company offer testimonials to prove the effectiveness of the product Has the company been in business for longer than 5 years If the answer to any of these questions was no then steer clear. Number 2 on the list is probably the most important. You should only take currency trading lessons from a successful professional trader. The only way to really be sure is to request audited trading results for at least 12 months. At SAFX we can very confidently answer yes to all the questions above. Not only are we the best course provider in the market but we also offer our courses at very reasonable rates. If you are looking for the best forex trading course in Johannesburg you have come to the right place. Here is what we cover in our forex trading course. Module 1 8211 An overview of the forex trading market. Module 2 8211 Forex trading in South Africa with emphasis on Johannesburg. Module 3 8211 Selecting the correct forex trading broker. Module 4 8211 Opening and examining live and demo accounts. Module 5 8211 Selecting your instruments. Module 6 8211 Opening your first trade. Module 7 8211 Setting a stoploss and take profit. Module 8 8211 SAFX Trading System Software Module 9 8211 Putting it all together. Module 10 8211 Your first live trade. Once you have completed these training modules you will have access to our live online trading room where you can watch us do trades and see all the trades we have open. We also have weekly webinars to go through our trading strategies and some advanced forex trading course material. Well that is a really difficult question to answer but I will try to give you some idea of what to expect. As more and more make you rich quick schemes hit the market the perception of trading shares becomes warped. Although most people know these products to be scams they still remember the figures they were given and somehow store this information as fact. The difficulty comes in when you try to prove that trading shares is not as profitable as some people think it is because there are many examples of companies that have grown 10,000 and when this happens there is proof that you can become a millionaire overnight when trading. The reality however is that the chance you will correctly pick one of those shares or get the timing right is highly improbable. Does this sound familiar It should. At a casino many people become millionaires, most dont. So you really should not base your belief on a stock exchange on the best possible scenario, neither should you base it on the worst possible scenario although you should be aware of what the worst possible scenario is. So what is an average return from the stock exchange and how can it be determined The best indicator to look at is indices within the stock exchange. In South Africa the best index to look at will be the JSE Top 40 Index. This shows the performance of the top 40 companies listed on the JSE. Many asset managers and fund managers use the JSE top 40 as their main investment instrument. This includes the major banks in South Africa. The growth of the top 40 over the last five years is shown in the table below: As you can see, there is quite a change year on year and although all the results are positive they still fluctuate quite substantially. So if you would like to work out what a compounded investment would have made over the last five years simply do the following: Initial deposit x X x X x X Total Value of the Investment The Profit Total Value of Investment 8211 Initial Deposit. Using an initial deposit of R20,000.00 would have totalled a profit of X over the last five years. It is very important to note that this is what would have happened had you invested 5 years ago. There is no guarantee that this trend will continue as there is no guarantee that the Top 40 will carry on growing. We can look at past performance as an indicator but it is a rough guide to what is possible and by no means an accurate prediction tool. As with all investment there is always risk involved and it is your responsibility to fully understand the risks and also be aware of the worst case scenario should everything go against you. It is wise to start trading shares with money that you can afford to lose, therefore protecting yourself from financial ruin if there is a company crash. In conclusion, if you invested in the top 40 JSE companies over the last 5 years you would have made X on your investment had you not sold any of your shares over the last 5 years. What can you expect going forward I am not brave enough to take a guess but it is always a good idea to look at indices before you look at individual stocks because your risk is spread over a large portfolio. This is a question I get more often than I should and the answer, if you want a yesno answer is no it is not a scam. The reality is however that there are a lot of scams associated with and connected to forex trading. Why is forex trading such a target for scams It is basically because of its accessibility. Anyone with a computer, internet and a trading account can have access to the forex market. A lot of people use impressive looking graphs and figures to lure people into giving away their hard earned cash to get a piece of the market. If for is so synonymous with scams is it a wise idea to trade it Well luckily there are ways to avoid being scammed in forex trading. Never pay your money into an individuals account. If you want to start trading you will open your own account with a forex brokerage. You will pay money into this account ONLY. You are the only person that should be allowed access to this account. Make sure the forex brokerage you use is FSB regulated. 2. Do not purchase software without a certified track record. If trading software truly works you will be able to get a certified track record from the software provider. Make sure the track record is certified by a large auditing company such as KPMG of Price Waterhouse Coopers or something similar. If the software provider cannot provide this stay away. 3. If it seems to good to be true it DEFINITELY is. If someone has found the secret to trading which can meek you a billionaire why would they share it with you Are they a billionaire Trading can be very profitable but if it was that easy to become a millionaire why is anyone still working for a salary Do not believe people when they promises you the stars and the moon. Forex trading should be seen as a business. Yes you can become successful but you will not become a millionaire over night. 4. Make sure your provider has a FSB license. Although this is not a requirement for software or education providers, you can be sure if you do use FSB regulated entities you will be covered up to a certain extent. It is important for the provider to have some affiliation to a regulating or regulated body. Hvis de ikke betyr det, kan de være noen fra gaten. 5. Make sure they have a physical office and visit it if you can. This is one of the best ways to spot a scam. If the company selling you a product does not have an office it means they have not been in the market for long. If you can go to their office do so as it will tell you a lot about the size of the company as well as the value of the product. If you use these 5 simple steps you will be able to separate the scams from the good products. Always do a bit of research before jumping into something. So in conclusion, no forex is not a scam, it is however your responsibility to avoid scams associated with forex trading. Starting in a field you have very knowledge of can be very daunting especially if it means that you could lose considerable amounts of money. Of course you could also make a considerable amount of money but you need to know how. Trading forex in South Africa is unique as there are different laws that we have to abide to than the rest of the world. Forex or currency trading has its benefits as well as a few cons which should be considered before delving in. Lets have a look at this in the form of lists: You can lose your total investment. There is a lot to learn before you can start trading online. You need an internet connection. The forex market is very volatile. There are many scams surrounding the forex market. You have to find a good regulated broker. You can lose your total investment when trading forex. As the most popular way to trade forex is through trading CFDs (Contracts for Difference) it involves using leverage to trade. Leverage allows you to trade considerably more amounts than your initial deposit and although this might sound great and can be used to your advantage it also greatly increases your risk. Using leverage incorrectly could cause you to lose your entire investment in a matter of seconds. There is a lot to learn before you start trading. Although most providers claim that you can learn how to trade currencies within a very short period of time, you can really only start trading properly after learning and acquiring quite a large range of skills. Learning not only includes literature but also, and probably more important, a lot of practice time. Most people are not aware that they have to practice for at the very least 3 months before you start trading live. You need an internet connection for online trading. As the name suggests it is an online activity. You need a good internet connection to be able to trade effectively as this affects your slippage (transaction speed). If you are offline you cannot open or close trades and therefore if you have a bad connection this could really negatively influence your trading. The forex market is volatile. The forex market is not really volatile when trading on 1:1, but as almost everyone trades forex at a leverage of greater than 1:50 it changes the market into the most volatile tradeable market. Currencies fluctuate mostly because of news and economic events that have influence on the country or countries to which the currency is connected. As there is so much news and economic activity the currency market is an every changing animal with ebbs and flows that are as unpredictable as the sea. There are a lot of scams in the forex market. Currency or forex trading is extremely accessible as you only need an internet connection and a small investment to start trading. This has made the forex market a target for scams and scam artists. For a seasoned trader it is very easy to pick up which products are scams and which are not but as in most cases in life if it sounds to good to be true it most probable is. You have to find a good forex broker that is regulated in South Africa Probably the most important first step to trading is finding a good broker that is regulated in South Africa. Again, as in the previous section, it is easy to do if you know what to look for but if you are new to the market it could be difficult to decide which broker to chose. SAFX will help you with a list of the best forex brokers in South Africa. Let us now look at the Pros list for online trading: You can trade a large amount with a small investment. It is very easy to start. There is great software available. It is the biggest market in the World Commissions in forex are very small. You can manage your risk. You can trade from anywhere in the world. The forex market is the most liquid market in the world. How much do you need to trade forex This depends on the broker you use but in most cases it is R5000 or even less. The even bigger advantage is that most brokers give you a demo or dummy account to practice using their platform software without risking your own money. This gives you a great opportunity without you having to risk 1 cent of your money. So in summary you do not need a cent to start practicing and a small amount to start trading. It is very easy to start. As we mentioned earlier there is a higher learning curve than most people think, it is however by no means difficult to get going. What you need is an internet connection, a trading device in the form of either a PC, tablet or smartphone, a trading platform, this is the software that allows you to execute trades, and a strategy or system. There are many strategies and systems, have a look on the safx. co. za website for more information on trading strategies and trading systems. There is great software available. A few years ago you basically had to be a mathematician to take advantage of technical indicators and other trading tools as you had to work out values with complex formulae. Nowadays you are able to take advantage of tools and software that have made the process of decision-making in online trading much easier. At SAFX we have developed a number of trading tools and software that will aid you in your decision making process. It is very important to watch out for scams when it comes to software as there are many products out there that just do not do what they promise. For peace of mind have a look at our products or let us assist you to determine whether or not a product is suitable or not. Forex is the biggest market in the world. There are a huge amount of currencies and currency combinations, or what most people refer to as currency pairs, that you can trade. The forex market has an estimated daily trading volume of roughly 5 Trillion Dollars. Yes that does mean that 5 Trillion is moved in the forex market everyday. How much commission do you pay to trade forex Well to be quite frank this depends on your broker but mostly the commissions payable i forex is in the form of a spread. A spread just means that if a dollar is worth R14 the broker will sell it to you at R14.03 and the R0.03 would be the commission. It depends on the currencies that are traded. Your most traded currencies are the cheapest. In most cases the EURUSD pair would be the cheapest and a good indication whether the broker is competitive or not. You can manage your risk. As we said earlier forex trading can be risky and you can lose your entire investment. It is very important to note however that you can take full control of your risk and how much you are comfortable with. You determine your risk on every trade and you can trade forex very safely if you have a good risk management system in place. You can trade currencies from anywhere in the world. As you only need a trading device with an internet connection and a forex trading account you can trade from anywhere in the world. You do not have to be stuck in an office. You can literally trade forex while travelling the world. You obviously would have to learn to do so properly beforehand but it is a real possibility. Have a look at our trading education packages at safx. co. za What is liquidity in trading The forex market is the most liquid market in the world, this simply means when you are ready to buy you can do so at the click of a button and when you are ready to sell you can also do so at the click of a button. When trading shares you need shares available to buy and when you want to sell there has to be a willing buyer on the other side. In forex this is not the case. You buy when you want and sell when you want. We hope that was helpful information for forex trading South Africa . The simple answer is yes. It is however important not to look at the simple answer but to look at the probabilities and reasons why some people make money from trading forex and others dont. Most studies claim that 95 of people fail when trading forex, this surprises me as I have worked in the industry for a long time and I have found the figure to be closer to 99. This figure is extremely important as it puts an emphasis on the scale of skill required to be a successful trader. Most trading products are sold as easy to use and no experienced required. The harsh reality is that most of these trading tools and software is the reason that the figure above is so high. Lets use a simple example to illustrate. You have never made a fire before and prior to your first time of making fire you seek instructions to do so. You find instructions online by paying 99 and you are sent a how to make a great fire pdf to your email. The PDF instructs you to do the following. Get yourself a box of matches. You have a fire. The flaws in this method are obvious, if you do not see them let me point them out. How do you know that the person that has written the PDF actually knows how to make a fire The instructions are vague. e. g what matches and what type of wood should you use It is a potentially dangerous situation and yet no safety advice or the potential of disaster is mentioned. All this applies to forex trading products. They are usually sold by people who cannot trade. The instructions are vague so that it can be defended when you make a loss. The potential of losing your capital is either understated or not mentioned at all. As with fire, forex trading is a very powerful thing when used correctly. You can make a lot money trading forex when you trade correctly. When it is used incorrectly you will lose all your money. Most people reading this article will fail. The reason is most often greed. Start slowly and take the least amount risk possible and work your way up. If you do not go about it this way then the answer is simple. No you cannot make money from forex trading. So how do you make sure you will not fall victim to poor products and bad trading habits That answer is really simple, use only trading products from SAFX, South Africas ONLY proper forex trading software and tools. At SAFX, Forex Trading South Africa . we have been trading forex for over 10 years now and there is probably no one more experiences in this field in South Africa. We have learned the hard way, through trial and error, and we have come up with some of the best forex trading software and systems available in the world today. We teach traders to trade for themselves and we have been doing so for the last 5 years. We are not your flashy over-the-top forex training company, we teach you what works and let our software speak for itself. Steps to learning forex trading : Open a Demo Account with a FSB Regulated Broker Learn how to use your trading platform properly. Learn how to buy and sell forex. Learn how to use a Stop Loss and Take Profit Learn money management. Get trading software. Trade and withdraw profits regularly. Open a Demo Account with a South African Forex Broker This seems easy enough and it is. There is one catch, make sure the broker is registered with the Financial Services Board of South Africa (FSB). A demo account is 100 free, make sure that you are not charged for opening a demo trading account. A demo account is a dummy account, this allows you to trade with all the same tools and pricing but with dummy money. It is very important to start making profit on a demo account before you attempt to trade on a real account with real money. Learn how to use your trading platform properly. At SAFX we stick to the MT4 platform as we know it inside-out. A trading platform is the application that you use to buy and sell forex over the internet. It is extremely important that you understand the functions of your platform prior to trading live. At SAFX we provide 1-on-1 training on the MT4 platform and our proprietary software. If you do not have the money to purchase our product or if you do not qualify for our financing there are tons of resources online. These are sometimes scattered and confusing but you should be able to get the basics by looking around. Learn how to buy and sell forex. This is simply a function of the trading platform. It is very important that you can do this quickly and correctly and it needs you to practice a lot. It might seem very simple but remember that at some point you will be faced with a high pressure situation that would require speed and accuracy. The only way to make sure you are ready for this is to buy and sell as many times as possible till you can almost do it in your sleep. Learn how to set a Stop Loss and Take Profit A stop loss or SL allows you to limit the loss you are willing to take on a single trade. A take profit or TP is the profit target. Both these levels can be and should be set for every trade. When a trade reaches either of these levels it closes automatically in either a profit or loss. As in the previous section, it is very important to set these levels quickly and accurately and therefore takes a lot of practice before you get them absolutely perfect. Learn Money Management Money management is probably THE most important aspect of trading. Money management is where you determine the amount that is risked on every trade. If you use proper money management you will be successful, if you do not use proper money management you will fail, it is as simple as that. Money management is the combination of Stoploss, Take Profit and Lot Size. This is a very in-depth topic which we cover fully in our training programme. You are welcome to google more on money management to see its importance in trading forex. Get Trading Software There is a lot of trading software out there. They all promise riches and they all promise success. 99.9 of the trading software out there is useless and will lose you all your money. If you do not believe us you are welcome to try them but I guarantee you will lose all your money within 2 weeks. SAFX is the ONLY South African provider of tested and proven forex trading software, it is as simple as that. buy software elsewhere and lose all your money. Enough said. Once you have learned how to properly use your trading software on your demo account it is time to step up and open and fund a live account. Always start with a small amount that you are prepared to lose. Trade for one month and withdraw the entire amount. This sounds like a strange thing to do but it works. Now redeposit the original amount into your account and do the same process over and over and over. So you want to learn how to trade shares but you are not sure where to start First of all you need to decide which share you want to trade. You get such a large number of stock exchanges that you will need to narrow down what exactly it is you want to trade. If you want to trade local south african shares you would be looking at the JSE. Johannesburg Stock Exchange. If however you feel that the rand will carry on weakening then it would be wiser to trade another stock exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange or the Australian Stock Exchange. Let us say that you would like to trade the New York Stock Exchange, where would you begin If you take into account that you probably do not know too many of the companies listed on the NYSE it would be wise to trade the whole stock exchange as an index. Trading an index allows you to take part in a stock exchange without having to do research on each company that you trade. Two well known indices (indexes) are the SampP 500 which is the top 500 companies by Standard and Poors and the JSE Top 40 which is the Top 40 companies on the Johannesburg stock exchange. You can buy these as a unit where they are already combined spreading all the risk out over these companies as a whole. How effective is it to trade indices Well it is very simple to trade indices, you just buy and wait. As to how effective, well the answer is simple, most large Fund Managers and Asset Management Companies only trades indices and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) for their clients and very rarely buy or sell shares in single companies. So the answer is that it is probably the safest and most effective way to start trading the market. Find a FSB Regulated Broker Make sure they offer indices. Deposit a Small Amount to Start Buy an Index and Sell when you have Made a Profit Request a withdrawal from your broker. In South Africa there are various ways to get involved with the stock stock exchange. The fist thing you will require is to get a broker which allows you to buy and sell shares online. The whole stock exchange system has been made electronic. This allows buyers and sellers to transact from the comfort of their own homes by means of a trading device which could be a phone, tablet or PC. The only catch is that you will require an internet connection. Types of Stock Exchange Brokers Direct Share Brokers 8211 You get brokers which allow you to buy and sell physical shares. This allows you to hold onto a share which makes you a shareholder of the company which you purchased. You can sell the shares when you like but there has to be a willing buyer. This type of trading is the traditional way of trading shares and the advantage is that you actually own a part of the company in which you invested. CFD (Contract for Difference) Brokers 8211 These type of brokers focus on the price of a share rather than the physical share itself. You buy or sell the price not the share equity. This is also called spread-betting and as you are speculating on the price it could be seen as closer to gambling than trading. The advantages of trading CFDs vs Physical Shares are great though. You do not require a willing buyer to sell a CFD. If the price is right you sell the CFD back to the broker and take your profit. The commissions on CFDs are far less than that of buying physical shares. You can use leverage on CFDs. this allows you to trade a lot more than the initial invested amount by a sort of lending structure called leverage. Lastly and very importantly you can go short with CFDs. This means if you predict the fall of a share company correctly you can make a profit although the stock falls. In South Africa we have many stock exchange brokers and stock exchange platforms. You really need to do your research before choosing a broker. These steps may help. Always select a FSB regulated brokerage. Start with a small amount. Do 5 trades and request a withdrawal. If you were able to follow these steps chances are you will be ok. If you have any issues with a broker it is very important to report them to the FSB so that other people do not go through the same problems as you. Once you have an account open with a Stock Exchange Broker you will require training. Some training is free with the broker, this often just covers the basics. Use google to find stock exchange courses that are of value, make sure to do proper research before jumping into a course and lastly remember that trading shares will not make you a millionaire over night no matter what anyone says. So you want to start trading forex and you reside in South Africa Here are the steps you need to follow. This is your choice of course but there are a few minimum requirements to look at when choosing a broker, you will start by searching for FSPs or Financial Services Providers that are registered and in good standing with the FSB. Once you have found a list you need to look at the platforms trading software each broker provides. If you are purchasing a product from a developer make sure to ask which platform their software is compatible with. Lastly, give the broker a call and ask a few questions. The questions need not be technical, the way in which the questions are answered will give you a good idea of the company you are dealing with. Do a course amp get trading tools. With all the crap out there it is difficult to decide which education software providers are legit and which are not. To get around this ask for a track record in the form of a statement or even better investor login details. If the firm does not want to give you a track record it means they either don8217t have one or don8217t have a good one. Why would you hide something that proves you are good at what you do. This will very quickly narrow down your options. Open a demo Trading Account Open an account with the broker you chose in step 1. Make sure to start with a demo account for you to practice on while learning your trade. Do not get pushed into trading on a live account before you are ready. Remember that the broker does not make any money on a demo account so they will push you to open a live account as soon as possible. Make sure you are profitable for at least 3 months running before trading live. Yes this sounds like a long time but remember your hard-earned money is at risk. Stick to the 3 month rule, it will do wonders for you. If you are unable to make profit for 3 months running it means you are not using the correct system, do ore research and use another tool until you pass the 3 months rule. Open a Live Account Here it gets interesting. So you have prepared yourself and have become confident in your system. The first thing that happens on a live account is you get a brain shutdown. Why does this happen Well its simple, you can for the very first time see YOUR money move up and down with the markets. It is very important to stick with the system you used on demo, including relative lot sizing and risk protection. These are the steps 8230 in a nutshell. This process took me well over 5 years before I really understood what I was doing. There are also much better courses and software tools then when I started out. It is very important not to confuse trading and gambling. Make good decisions and stick to your plan and risk management and you will be just fine. Trading Forex South Africa has NEVER been Easier We were one of the first online websites for forex. We started with safx and are now at safx. co. za. The SAFX team have just completed the Magic Code Trading System. Our currency trading system shows you where to get in and where to get out. It also shows how many lots to trade and your TP amp SL levels. It has never been easier to start trading forex. As our trading product is digital it is available for instant download immediately once payment has been made. Get yours now. MetaTrader 4 Overview How to Open A Chart How to Open and Close a Trade Stop Loss and Take Profit How to Load the SAFX Magic Code System Rules of the Magic Code System Putting It all Together Do your first trade.

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